How to Uncover Flaws in Probable Cause for DUI Stops

Criminal Defense
A black car stopped at a dui check.

Probable cause for DUI stops in Colorado is a crucial legal standard designed to protect individuals’ Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures. However, many people arrested following a DUI stop have been subject to probable cause flaws. Identifying flaws in DUI stops is critical to preserving individual rights, maintaining public trust, and promoting...

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What Happens in an Identity Theft Investigation?

Criminal Defense

Rates of identity theft have significantly increased over the past three years, and Colorado has seen it grow more than the national average. Reports indicate that Colorado ranks 27th for identity theft reports and 8th for fraud and other related offenses. Given these statistics, Colorado law enforcement and consumer protection agencies have taken a hardline...

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What Are the Defenses of the Defendant in an Action for Trespassing?

Criminal Defense
What Are the Defenses of the Defendant in an Action for Trespassing

Note: This article has been refreshed and revised as of February 28, 2024, to ensure the information remains current and accurate. In Colorado, trespass is a serious offense that can result in both civil and criminal liability. Trespass is the unauthorized entry onto another person’s property. It can take many forms, including physical intrusion onto...

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How Do Credit Card Companies Investigate Fraud?

Criminal Defense

Note: This article has been refreshed and revised as of February 28, 2024, to ensure the information remains current and accurate. In the ever-evolving battle against credit card fraud, understanding the investigative processes of credit card companies is crucial for both prevention and resolution. Key Takeaways Mastering the Legal Nuances of Credit Card Fraud Detection...

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What Are Some Possible Defenses to Identity Theft Charges?

Criminal Defense

Law enforcement is starting to catch up with technology. Police now have sophisticated methods of investigating and arresting people for identity theft. Prosecutors also take these charges seriously. That is why you will need a lawyer who knows the best defenses to identity theft charges if the police accuse you of stealing someone’s personal information....

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What Is Considered Trespassing in Colorado?

Criminal Defense
What Is Considered Trespassing in Colorado?

Note: This article has been refreshed and revised as of February 28, 2024, to ensure the information remains current and accurate. Generally, criminal trespass is when an individual unlawfully enters or remains on someone else’s property. If you are facing criminal trespassing charges in Colorado, it is essential to understand the distinction between the varying...

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What Are My Chances If I Am Charged with Burglary in Colorado?

Criminal Defense

In Colorado, burglary rates have risen 3.9% from pre-covid 19 pandemic levels. While there is no exact precursor for predicting your chance of a burglary conviction, understanding the law, considering certain factors, and hiring a well-established defense attorney will provide you with the best chance of success at trial. At Mark S. Rubinstein, P.C., we...

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What Evidence Is Needed to Prove Burglary in Colorado?

Criminal Defense

Colorado law enforcement agencies take burglary seriously. Depending on the circumstances of the crime, you could face third, second, or first-degree burglary charges, all of which carry significant jail time, fines, and unsavory consequences. If you are charged with burglary, it is not time to panic; it is time to get prepared and informed. Contacting...

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DUI Defense: How Unlawful Police Stop Can Help Your Case

Criminal Defense
DUI Defense: How Unlawful Police Stop Can Help Your Case

The police cannot pull you over whenever they want. They need a reason. Stopping you without cause violates your right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. As a result, unlawful police stops often provide a winning defense for many people charged with DUI in Colorado.  Exploring your best DUI defenses with an experienced...

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